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Doe Sleep Training Have To Involve Crying?


What is sleep training & does it have to involve crying?

Throughout this blog I’m going to give you the information you need to decide what method of sleep training will work for your family. As you will read below sleep training does not have to be an awful experience although it also may also not be a pleasant one.

Why do babies cry?

Many traditional sleep coaches will tell you that “your baby is crying to manipulate you” or “your baby is just crying to get what they want, not what they need.” These views are incredibly outdated. I didn’t need to spend much time around little ones to realise that this is incorrect. Babies do not cry to be spiteful. Instead, they cry because they are distressed and are not developed enough to solve the issue theirselves yet.

If a baby cries for hunger, no matter how long you leave them they will not get up and make themselves dinner. Neither will they cry due to an uncomfortable nappy and change it theirselves. Then why, do we expect our little ones to regulate their hormones & emotions and fall asleep without assistance from such a young age?

Crying is a normal body reaction for babies and can occur for a whole range a reasons. These may be discomfort, hunger, tiredness, need for stimulation, over stimulation, need for physical touch, being too hot or cold or simply feeling uneasy due to change or a new situation. As parents we are biologically wired to respond to our little ones when we hear them cry. Our reaction is as much a necessary response as our babies is with crying.

So why does traditional sleep training not follow these biological responses?

Traditional sleep training works off a different philosophy to the gentle holistic approach I follow. Methods involve leaving babies to cry. It is believed that by leaving your baby to cry you are not teaching them to “self soothe” and go to sleep. Instead, babies are taught that when they cry or are upset they do not get a response from their parent. Personally I do not believe this is a good basis to build a relationship with your child on. Instead I much prefer the gentle holistic methods.

What is the difference between holistic sleep coaching & traditional sleep training?

sleep training

So how much crying will there be?

With any approach there will likely be tears when first beginning. However, with holistic sleep coaching at no point will you not be able to support your child when they’re upset. This is the special thing about this type of sleep training. As a parent you will always be able to go and reassure your little one. Supporting your relationship and showing them that you are there when they need you.

For more information on sleep training I recommend reading

If you’d like to discuss how I can support you sleep training your baby book in your free 15 minute call. During this call we can discuss how the sleep coaching services I offer can help you and your family.

Sending sweet dreams to you and your little ones



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