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Extending Naps, How, When & What To Avoid?

extending naps tips

Naptime, it can be great if it lasts a good length however it’s stressful if your goal is extending naps. . If your little one doesn’t sleep enough you may find them cranky and overtired. However, don’t worry! In this blog post, we’re diving into some tried-and-true advice on how to extend your baby’s nap length. With a few tweaks to your routine and some extra TLC, you can help your baby enjoy more restful, rejuvenating naps. So, grab your cup of coffee and let’s embark on this nap extending journey together!

Understanding Baby Naps

Before we delve into the tips and tricks, it’s essential to grasp the basics of baby naps. Newborns and infants have varying sleep needs, but most will need several naps throughout the day. As your baby grows, these naps will consolidate into longer, more predictable periods of rest. Typically, babies under six months of age nap anywhere from three to five times a day for varying durations.

It’s worth noting that some babies are natural cat-nappers, and short naps are entirely normal. However, if you find that your baby’s naps are consistently shorter than you’d like, these strategies may come to your rescue. Please note that all babies are different & some do simply just need less sleep than others!

  1. Create a Peaceful Sleep Environment

One of the first steps to extend your baby’s nap is to ensure they are in a comfortable and conducive sleep environment. Here are some tips:

  • Darkness: Babies are often more likely to sleep longer in a darkened room. Use blackout curtains to block out excess light.
  • White Noise: A gentle, consistent background noise like a white noise machine or a fan can help mask other sounds that might startle your baby awake.
  • Comfortable Bedding: Make sure your baby’s sleep surface is safe and comfortable. Soft, breathable bedding and a well-fitted mattress can make a world of difference.
  • Temperature Control: Ensure the room is at a comfortable temperature – not too hot or too cold – to help your baby stay asleep longer.
  1. Master the Timing

Understanding your baby’s natural sleep rhythms is crucial. Most babies have a “sleep window” where they are naturally more inclined to fall asleep and stay asleep. Watch for signs of drowsiness, like eye rubbing or yawning, and aim to put your baby down for a nap during this window.

  1. Nap Routine is Key

Consistency is your best friend when it comes to extending naps. Establish a naptime routine that signals to your baby that it’s time to sleep. This could include activities like reading a book, singing a lullaby, or gentle rocking.

  1. Don’t Rush to the Rescue

Sometimes, babies wake up between sleep cycles and need a moment to settle back to sleep on their own. Before picking them up, wait a couple seconds to assess whether your little one is infact awake or is just going through REM sleep so are moving more.

  1. Lengthen the First Nap

The first nap of the day is often the easiest to extend. Try to make it as long as possible, aiming for at least an hour. This can set the tone for longer naps throughout the day.

  1. Establish a Feeding Schedule

Make sure your baby is well-fed before naptime. A hungry tummy can lead to a shorter nap as can wind so ensure you make time for burping afterwards. Additionally, nursing or bottle-feeding can be a soothing way to help your baby drift off to sleep.

  1. Consider Sleep Associations

If your baby has developed sleep associations like needing to be rocked or held to fall asleep, it might be helpful to gradually introduce more of these so you have a whole toolkit of methods to use to help your little one fall asleep.

  1. Monitor Wake Windows

As your baby gets older, their wake windows – the time they can comfortably stay awake between naps – will increase. Be mindful of these windows and adjust naptime accordingly to avoid overtiredness.

  1. Avoid Overstimulation

Before naptime, create a calm and quiet atmosphere. Minimize loud noises and stimulating activities that might make it harder for your baby to settle down.

  1. Be Patient and Flexible

Remember, babies are unique, and what works for one might not work for another. It might take some trial and error to find the best approach for extending your baby’s naps. Be patient and willing to adjust your strategy as needed.

There you have it, some top tips on extending naps. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, these tips and tricks should help you create an environment and routine that encourages longer, more restful naps for your little one.

Always remember that babies are individuals with their own sleep patterns and needs. It’s perfectly normal for naps to vary in length from day to day. The goal isn’t to obsess over the clock but to ensure your baby gets the sleep they need to thrive.

So, embrace the art of napping, relish those moments of quiet, and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for being the amazing parent you are. Here’s to longer, more peaceful baby naps and a happier, well-rested family!

Sweet Dreams



To find out more about your little ones sleep check out one of our other blog posts

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