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What Is White Noise & When To Use It?

Diddi Dreamers Baby sleep white noise

What does white noise do?

You have probably heard other parents discussing the use and benefits of white noise and may be unsure as to what it means. As a children’s sleep consultant I get asked about its benefits a lot! It is such a simple method to improve sleep quality it’s no surprise that so many people love to use it. In this post I’ll go over how to use white noise as well as why it works and what you can expect from using it.

White noise causes your brainwaves to synchronise with the sound.

When we listen to white noise, the human brain synchronise with it. This means that we can start feeling tired, or fall asleep faster than usual. The frequency is usually around 500 Hz and 2-4 kHz (the range between high and low). It’s not natural for humans to hear sounds in this frequency range. This makes it very effective at masking other noises in our surroundings. In turn our brains will begin to ‘switch off’ from the distractions surrounding us . Helping us (and our babies) fall asleep faster and with less issues.

What does it actually do?

By using white noise we can produce the perfect sound environment for getting a good nights rest. It can help your baby get more sleep which is crucial to their overall health & well being. White noise is also known to help people relax and calm down, especially those with anxiety disorders. As you will know reading this as a parent bedtime can be stressful for both you and your baby. By using white noise it can provide an escape from an overstimulating environment. This will help you and your baby focus on something else other than the immediate stressor in the situation you are in.

What are its benefits?

By blocking out the noise of the world around us white noise is able to produce a whole range of benefits. These include falling asleep faster, feeling more relaxed & getting better sleep. However, in order to see the best results white noise should be used consistently at bedtime. By using it for a one off night or only when your little one is poorly you will not see any changes.

How do I use white noise for my baby?

Once you understand how what white noise is it’s time to figure out how to actually use it in real life. What I suggest to many of my sleep coaching clients is to have white (or pink noise depending on age) playing quietly whilst you are performing the last 5 minutes of  your little ones bedtime routine. Then put them into bed or cuddle them to sleep etc following your normal routine whilst keeping the white noise playing. When your baby is asleep leave the white noise on playing quietly in the background for the entire night. This will get you the best results.

How is it different to pink noise?

These wavelengths of white and pink noises sound are very similar and do produce similar outcomes. However, through scientific studies we do know the exact different between them. Whilst white noise is better at soothing babies and helping them fall asleep. Pink noise helps babies to go into a deeper, longer sleep. As a parent both of these outcomes sound fantastic but there are a couple key things to note. Only white noise should be used for babies under 6 months of age, NOT pink noise. This is due to the potential increased risk to SIDS by inducing your baby into a deeper sleep. However, after the 6 month mark I would highly recommend using pink noise instead of white to help your baby sleep longer and connect more sleep cycles.


So, what does white noise do? It can improve the length of sleep, help your baby sleep for longer & assist your little one in first falling asleep. All in all it is a fantastic tool that can be used to help your whole family get a better nights sleep. If you’d like to discuss how white noise can help your babies sleep book in your free 15 minute call to find out more about my sleep coaching services.


Sending sweet dreams to you and your little ones




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